Statement: Indonesia Bergerak Civil Society Coalition


The WHO has already designated Covid-19 as a global pandemic, including Indonesia as one of the nations most exposed to the dangers of the virus, and where victims continue to rise as the spread of infection increases.

The government has already designated Covid-19 as a national disaster and has established a Task Force for the Acceleration of the Management of Covid-19, which has established a policy of appealing to members of the public to implement social distancing, as well as various other response initiatives.

The pandemic is having a comprehensive social and economic impact, including human rights which is hitting vulnerable groups particularly hard. They also bear the brunt of government policies such as isolation, quarantine at home, quarantine in hospitals as well as other more serious steps such as regional quarantine. Not to mention the prohibition and marginalization of SMEs, their workforce and their consumers, contract workers as well as traders and workers in the informal sector. Because of this, government policies and actions to prevent the spread of the corona virus must be complemented by a protection scheme/social safety network for vulnerable and marginalized groups.

The Indonesian government’s response is concerning for Indonesia and the world, including its lack of preparedness in healthcare provision, healthcare facilities and infrastructure as well as the government agencies that do not support fast and appropriate responses. Similarly, there is the minimal and tardy detection response, the failure in public communication and lack of transparency. The limited involvement of regional government, the private sector and the public is also a fundamental weakness of the central government’s response. Unclear, contradictory and unfathomable statements by government officials give the impression of a lack of seriousness, limited empathy and a lack of a sense of crisis, which is counterproductive to the efforts to stem the spread of the virus.

Indonesia has now entered the critical early stages that have the potential to witness an explosion of cases that will in turn result in a steep rise in the number of deaths. These conditions call for collective awareness and a new way of working that is more inclusive, responsive and appropriate in resolving problems.

In order to succeed in stemming the spread of Covid-19, we need a collective consciousness and new way of working. A process in which the central government works with the support of regional government, the private sector and civil society and, if necessary, with the support of the international community.

Based on the above considerations, we the Indonesia Bergerak Coalition (Indonesia on the Move) call on the government to involve all elements of society, based on the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, mobilize structured and tangible civil society participation in decision-making and program implementation.

We, the Indonesia Bergerak Coalition submit ten actions for implementation by the government as follows:

  1. Adopt good practice from other countries in managing Covid-19
  2. Implement the seven recommendations of medics, attached, and ensure optimal protection for healthcare professionals
  3. Prioritize basic rights and human dignity in each policy decision, action and service provision for all, and in particular vulnerable groups
  4. Allocate additional budget for vulnerable group, particularly for protection and social safety networks
  5. Implement transparent policies in order to restore and safeguard public faith in government and ensure that relevant information is accessible to each and every person in Indonesia, without exception, including difabled and special needs groups
  6. Strengthen and broaden collaboration and synergy between central government, regional government, the private sector, civil society, the media, higher education and others, as well as empower existing resources at all levels of society
  7. Involve the public in creating a sense of urgency by providing an accurate picture of the dimension of the crisis and policy projections in the future
  8. Prevent and prohibit statements by government officials and public figures that are inaccurate, contradictory and which weaken the public’s vigilance and which are not in line with the agenda to accelerate management of Covid-19
  9. Set parameters immediately and as necessary immediately take concrete decisions and action regarding quarantine in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 with reference to Quarantine Legislation; and
  10. Use the management of Covid-19 as momentum to improve the economic and political system to address inequality, marginalization and environmental destruction, include speeding up the implementation of social forestry and realization of land for agrarian reform and food production, extending the community rice-store program and job creation for those who are suffering the impact of Covid-19.

We, the Indonesia Bergerak Coalition, have launched five initiatives, as described in the appendix:

  1. A campaign to stop the spread of Covid-19
  2. Advocacy for policies that speed up appropriate and transparence response
  3. Bridge social-economic gaps that have resulted from social distancing and regional quarantine policies
  4. Mobilize support for vulnerable and marginalized groups; and
  5. Build and support a network initiative, “citizens helping citizens”.

We call on the business community and the public to work together to stop the spread of Covid-19 and address its impact.

Jakarta, 20 March 2020

Indonesia Bergerak Coalition

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