Press Release: Launch of the Donation Movement for Food Self-Sufficiency
(Raising and Distributing Food Donations)
Jakarta- The Covid-19 pandemic has created emergency conditions regarding food provision, particularly the availability of fresh and nutritious produce. This is not just about basic needs, but also about increasing the body’s natural immunity (WHO, 2020).
The food crisis is happening not only because of distribution problems from the centers of production to the consumer, but also because of the potential disruption to the production process because of the extension of the Large-Scale Social Distancing policy (PSBB).
For Indonesia, with 24.79 million poor (9.86 million in urban centers and 14.93 million in rural areas) as per September 2019 ( the combination of the food crisis, nutrition crisis and Covid-19 will have an impact for many years to come
As part of the efforts to address this food crisis, Indonesia for Humanity (IKa), Terasmitra and the Indonesian Berseru Association are launching the “Donation Movement for Food Self-Sufficiency” online as part of the TM Share Volume 8 event on Saturday 16 May 2020, from 10.00-11.00 via Zoom (
The launch of this movement will be opened by keynote speaker: Latipah Hendarti from the Detara Foundation and GEF SGP National Steering Committee, followed by a discussion on the theme, “Solidarity for Food Self-Sufficiency” with speakers including Ukke Koassih (IKa, food self-sufficiency activist), Tejo Wahyu Jatmiko (Indonesia Berseru, food sovereignty activist) and Slamet (Terasmitra partner – Brenjonk Organic Farming Community) and moderated Annisa Hertami (Actor in the Film “Empu” – Citra Award nominee).
The Donation for Food Self-Sufficiency Movement is a mechanism for collecting and distributing food donations to communities in need in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This movement is being launched in order to build collaboration and help address the challenges of local food and nutrition needs, which are increasingly difficult to access, and to address the potential food crisis in Indonesia. Indonesia must establish a more resilient community-based food production system, acknowledge the important role of farmers in rural areas, including community initiatives that provide food self-sufficiently and technical support.
The Donations Movement for Food Self-Sufficiency will comprise of two program strands: first, fund raising and second, grant distribution via Pundi Hijau.
Fund-Raising Program
Collecting public donations:
- Donations will be collected online in an open and transparent way from diverse sources including individuals, communities and the private sector
- Donations will be collected between 16 May-30 November 2020
- Donations will be sent to IKa’s bank account: Bank Mandiri Cab.Salemba Tengah an. Yayasan Sosial Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan (No rek. 123.00.05300.001)
Grant Distribution Program
- Activities
Facilitate the exchange and use of seeds including: (1) local seed bank communities; (2) communities that wish to strengthen the local food system; (3) technical support communities
- Grant Selection and Distribution Process
- Mechanisms for selection will be carried out by the three partner organizations
- Grants in the region of 3-5 million rupiah will be allocated per community
- As this funding is intended for a short-term response to Covid-19, calls for proposals will be opened as and when sufficient donations have been collected
- Announcement of successful applicants will be made via the websites and social media accounts of the organizing partners
- Successful recipients of the grant will need to send progress reports with supporting information including photographs and quotes following program implementation
- Funding Criteria
- Community organizations and groups that include community-based seed banks, communities that wish to strengthen local food security systems and technical support communities
- Organize food-growing at individual household and/or community-wide level
- Organizations and groups that are new to food production much have access to support organizations that can provide technical assistance and capacity building
- Grants may be used to obtain seeds for food plants and vegetables that can be harvested within 3-5 months, waste processing infrastructure, planting containers, composters, costs of preparing
- Have a clear work and control system
- Be located in any town or village in Indonesia
- Include two references from their network
- Do not yet have access to large-scale funding
Donation Movement for Food Self-Sufficiency
- Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaa (IKa)
- Terasmitra
- Indonesia Berseru Association
Contact details:
Partner representatives
Ukke Kosasih: 0878 0834 8371
Adinindyah (Terasmitra): 0811-2800-938
Tejo Wahyu Jatmiko (Indonesia Berseru): 0812-6478-9388
Donation program PIC:
Ikhwan Al Huda (IKa) : 0811-929-383