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We are in this Together. Let’s Protect Each Other

Jakarta, 16 May – Indonesia for Humanity (IKa) and the National Commission for Women launched the Pundi Perempuan Online Donations for Women Victims of Violence in the Midst of Covid-19 on Friday 5 June 2020. This movement has been initiated to support service provision organizations and women’s crisis centers so that they can continue their work providing legal assistance and counselling services to women victims of violence.

Keynote speaker, Professor Dr. Vennetia Ryckerens Danes, Deputy of the Ministry for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Women’s Right Protection Unit, explained that online donations were an appropriate way to increase to support services provision organizations in the midst of the pandemic.

 “Collecting donations online is an appropriate way to increase support for service providers to anticipate obstacles that will arise because of the pandemic to providing support for women victims of violence,” said Professor Vennetia.

The launch was followed by a talk show with the theme “We are in it Together. Let’s Protect Each Other” with speakers including Cinta Laura Khiel (Anti-Violence Against Women Ambassador for the Ministry for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection), Theresia Iswarini (Commissioner, National Commission for Women), Lilik H.S. (Pundi Perempuan, IKa) and Ayu Kartika Dewi (Presidential Staff) as moderator.

According to Theresia Iswarini, the results of the National Commission for Women’s survey show a steep rise in incidents of domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Distancing (PSBB) policy.

“During the pandemic and since PSBB was implemented, the ability of victims to leave their homes to avoid abuse has been reduced. The victims have to prioritize many things. They prioritize staying at home, providing food and clothing as well as mobile phone data so that they children can learn online,” said Iswarini.

The reluctance to report cases also impacts on the organizations that provide services, who are on the frontline in ensuring that support can still be provided, both online or offline.

Challenges to service provision during Covid-19 are also financial in nature. Communications costs have risen because of the increase of online provision. Support organizations have to adjust their budgets – some have sufficient funding and some don’t.

“The public need to be aware that it is important to increase our concern and support for service providers. Working as they do on the frontlines, if they don’t have the means to provide support – communication costs, fast internet speeds and as well as the relevant technology and ‘gadgets’ they won’t be able to support victims. We need to support them,” added Iswarini.

Pundi Perempuan is committed to help address these conditions by providing support to organizations that provide services to women and women’s crisis centers. The support is intended to empower the organizations, it isn’t charity. Pundi Perempuan will try to raise awareness of the importance of women’s crisis centers and service providers, because as levels of abuse increase, so must support,” said Lilik HS

According to Lilik, these efforts won’t succeed without the involvement of many different parties. Violence against women is a national issue, a global issue. Women are the future of civilization. Women must have full access to justice as citizens of Indonesia.

Cinta Laura Khiel also emphasized the importance of this. She explained that the involvement of many different parties is needed in order to truly support women victims of violence.

“We can help women victims of violence by donating. Our donations can provide a lot of support for women, because organizations in Indonesia that help women are short of funding,” said Cinta.

Cinta also expressed her hope that young people are aware that they must speak up, “If we speak up, the younger generation can do more to help raise awareness, that abuse and violence is wrong. We need to respect one another if we are to progress,” added Cinta. The discussion was closed by Ayu Kartika Dewi, who said that violence against women was a systemic problem, and that we can contribute to addressing this issue by donating to funding for victims and their support organizations. It is hoped that this movement can be broadened and more can be done by every sector and at every level of society.

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