Call for Proposal of “Pandemic” Green Trust Fund in Term 2 – 2020

Call for Applications

Pundi Hijau Pandemic Grant Term 2

Announcing the call for proposals by Indonesia for Humanity (IKa), in collaboration with the Indonesia Berseru Association and Terasmitra, for communities and activists working on food sovereignty in Indonesia. The grants will be allocated to communities/groups that work on the environment and support food sovereignty and community food system planning that is fair, sovereign and sustainable.

Groups and communities are invited to take part in the 2020 Pundi Hijau Grant selection process by submitting planned activities. This grant will be allocated during three periods, as follows:

Term 1:            19 – 28 June 2020

Term 2:             17 – 26 July 2020

Term 3:             11 – 20 September 2020

Successful recipients of the Pundi Hijau grant will be selected in accordance with the following criteria:

  1. Local seed-bank communities
  2. Communities wishing to strengthen local food production systems
  3. Communities providing technical support
  4. Communities that implement a clear and controlled operations system
  5. Are located in towns/villages in Indonesia
  6. Do not yet have access to large donors
  7. Include two references from their networks

Planned activities will be selected by a committee with representatives from Indonesia for Humanity (IKa), the Indonesia Berseru Association and Terasmitra. Announcement of the successful applicants will be made on the following dates:

Term 1:            3 July 2020

Term 2:            31 July 2010

Term 3:            25 September 2012

Successful applicants will receive funding between 2-5 million rupiah.

Proposals may be sent to

Pundi Hijau is a forum for raising and managing resources (grants, knowledge, networks and volunteerism) to support food self-reliance as a response to the food crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

PIC: Ikhwan (0811929383)

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