Peduli Program: Human Rights and Social Restoration Pillar
Under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Culture and Human Development (PMK Ministry), the Peduli Program directs its activities to those who have been marginalized by the development process.
The Peduli Program’s mission is to create a socially inclusive program that encourages the wider community to value equality and dignity in their everyday interactions. The Peduli Progam’s objective is to ensure all people are treated equally and are afforded the same rights and opportunities as citizens of Indonesia.
Since 2013, Indonesia for Humanity (IKa) has been one of the implementing organizations that manages the collective resources of the Peduli Program partners under the Human Rights and Social Restoration Pillar. The Peduli Program is part of the Pundi Insani Program which is overseen by IKa.
The Peduli Program’s participant communities include marginalised communities that struggle to obtain their right to basic services and that experience obstacles to participation in the governance process as a result of years of stigma, prejudice and discrimination. The Community Partners work together with partners from civil society and victims’ organizations to build a socially inclusive movement.
Adopting an inclusive approach to economic and social cultural rights to restore dignity and humanity to the victims is a new initiative in the human rights movement. Thus, the program which has been designed by partner organizations (victims’ organizations) are projected to ensure that basic rights of citizens are restored to the victims and the establishment of a conducive and supportive environment that will eradicate stigma and other forms of marginalisation.
Peduli Program Partners
- IKOHI Federation (Association of Families of the Disappeared)
- PK2TL (Association of Families of the Talangsari Lampung Victims
- FOPPERHAM (Education and Human Rights Forum) together with the
- Kiprah Perempuan community or KIPPER (Women’s Progress)
- RPuK (Women Volunteers for Humanity) Aceh
- SKP-HAM Central Sulawesi (Solidarity for the Victims of Human Rights Violations)
- SEKBER ’65 Central Java (’65 Joint Secretariat)
- PBH Nusra (Nusa Tenggara Legal Aid Association)
This program is implemented in partnership with 7 NGO partners with communities in 17 villages, 10 districts/municipalities and 7 provinces.
Peduli Program Success Stories
Green Book for Victims in Surakarta
“I feel that a part of the suffering I have experienced all this time has been reduced, because the letter of recommendation from Komnas HAM (the National Commission for Human Rights) proves that I am not guilty and that I am a victim. I am happy because by giving me this green book, the state has made me into a human being again. When I die, I will take this green book with me” said Mr Kadiyan (75 years old), a member of Sekber ’65 in Surakarta, Central Java.
As a survivor, Mr Kadiyan fully experiences the meaning of the ‘green book,’ a document that ensures access to free health care provided by the Victim and Witness Protection Agency (LPSK) for victims of human rights violations. For victims of the 1965 tragedy, this recognition is a fundamental issue. That victims can obtain this green book is not only about gaining access to free healthcare provision, something which is increasingly important in old age. More than this, the ‘green book’ symbolises state recognition that the holder is a victim (and not a guilty party). The intervention of the Peduli Program has facilitated access to the health services the green book provides and ensured that the state undertakes its obligations to fulfil the rights of all citizens.
The Peduli Program supports a number of communities of victims to attain three main outcomes, namely:
- Access to improved public services
- Social acceptance
- Policy changes that are supportive of victims
Indonesia for Humanity (IKa) and partners believe that in order to attain the three main objectives above, a number of pre-conditions need to be met, namely:
- Strong organizations representing victims
- Victim empowerment
- Multi-stakeholder support: community leaders, religious leaders, government and human rights activists
The implementation of the Peduli Program is based on four strategic approaches:
- Organizing
- Empowerment
- Multi-stakeholder approach (government, community and other key stakeholders that enable the program objectives)
- Emphasis on using existing resources (strengths-based approach)