Pemaknaan is a reflective approach developed by Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan (IKa) to understand the impact and benefits of organizational work in achieving social change. Pemaknaan aims to provide insights for IKa and its partners regarding the process of social transformation occurring in the field while building knowledge based on real-life experiences. Since its inception in 2016, Pemaknaan has been conducted in three cycles:
Pemaknaan 2020:
Advancing Community-Based Reconstruction in Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Areas in Central Sulawesi This program explored an alternative Pemaknaan-based model derived from reconstruction experiences in post-disaster and post-conflict contexts by engaging local communities:
a) SKP-HAM Sulteng – supporting Toposo & Soulowe Villages, Palu
b) Institut Mosintuwu – supporting Toaya & Lemusa Villages, Central Sulawesi
Pemaknaan 2022:
Pemaknaan expanded to various regions in Indonesia, involving organizations from Aceh to West Java:
- RPuK (Relawan Perempuan untuk Kemanusiaan), Aceh
- Yayasan Bantaya / Bantaya Foundation, ( Sulawesi Tengah)
- Ruang Perempuan, (Sumbawa)
- Layar Kumendhung, (Jawa Timur)
- Circa Handmade, (Jawa Barat)
Pemaknaan 2024:
Focused on Pundi Perempuan grant recipients working on women’s issues and social justice:
- GIPA di Makassar, (Sulawesi Selatan)
- HopeHelps UGM, ( Yogyakarta)
- Paralegal Depok, (Jawa Barat)
- Yabiku di Kefamenanu, (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
Through Pemaknaan, IKa and its partners can gain a deeper understanding of their social change efforts, identify challenges and opportunities, and strengthen transformation strategies. This process is not just about reflection but also about fostering stronger, more independent, and sustainable social movements.